ELOHEIM ENCORES: Why Are We On This Spiritual Journey?
April 15, 2013

ELOHEIM ENCORES: Why are we on this spiritual journey?

Why are we on this spiritual journey? Can you talk about us and our relationship to our soul a little more? How do you know when the mind is coming in with an answer and not the soul?

Why do we choose to come down to this level of vibration and difficulty? Why would we choose this? Why do some lifetimes have a lot of physical pain or body distortions?

Our first installment of Eloheim Encores features Eloheim answering these questions and MORE during a fabulous session from January 11, 2009. These pre-recorded sessions are broadcast on our radio show http://www.blogtalkradio.com/consciou...

Veronica Torres channels The Council. The Council is comprised of seven different groups. Each Council member has a distinct personality, style of delivery, and focus.

The Council is best known for their multitude of practical tools, which support our journey out of the fear-based operating system into consciousness-based living.

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channeling, channeled message, light worker, healing, transformation, spirituality, Consciousness