Bashar - Big Bang and the Prime Radiant

November 21, 2014

Bashar on the Big Bang and the Prime Radiant


DL Zeta - A Still Mind Is Our Access Point To Other Dimensions

November 7, 2014
The first step to accessing other dimensions is stilling your mind. A busy mind churns out endless streams of thoughts that serve as anchors to third-dimensional reality. It is one of the great ironies of human existence that we rush here and there looking for something, trying to achieve something.

When we are anchored into third-dimensional reality our spirit is enslaved by our busy mind, making it impossible for us to recognize the very thing we're looking for. When we slow down and listen to the whispers of our spirit, we find what we're looking for in the spaces between our busy, linear thoughts.

The more we focus on these spaces, the more they expand. Soon they become large enough to provide passage into universal mind.

Inside universal mind we are able to travel to any time or place to find the answers to our questions and so much more. Here we are able to download the templates for new ideas, new books, new works of art, and new inventions.

Everything is accessible to us within the moment when we remember to slow down, still our minds and travel meridians of silence into universal mind.

When we still our minds we open a space to expand into silence. Our higher self flows into this space and our vibration enters resonance with higher dimensions. Inside these higher frequencies, we are able to step free of linear time and travel into other dimensions.

As we travel meridians in higher consciousness, we pull more of this energy into our daily life. This transforms our experience, allowing us to see every moment through the lens of love, peace and abundance.

You are the Most Enlightened Self in your Present Lifetime

You are the most aware, intuitive and enlightened self thus far in your present lifetime. As such, it is your job and your privilege to serve as the higher self for all your selves throughout the course of this lifetime.

You are a beacon of healing light capable of assisting and entraining other aspects toward their journey into the new time where peace, joy, love and opportunities to higher service abound.

The opportunities before you now are remarkable and profound. The challenges you are approaching may seem overwhelming but these quickly dissolve as you reach into your storehouse of higher knowledge and wisdom.

©2010-2014 DL Zeta, Celestial Vision, All Rights Reserved
These messages are intended to be shared. You are welcome to share and distribute this message with others as you feel guided to do so. Please be sure to include the author & source website link.

Eckhart Tolle - Suffering and the End of Suffering

October 31, 2014

Eckhart Tolle - Suffering and the End of Suffering

1   2   3   4   5  

Eckhart Tolle - The End Of The Ego

October 17, 2014

The end of the Ego; The Awakening by Eckhart Tolle

Awakening, Eckhart Tolle (Author), Meditation, Yoga, Guru, Temple, India, Mantra, Peace, Divine, Enlightenment, Enlightenment (Belief), Karma, Healing,

Eckhart Tolle - Where Do Our Thoughts Come From?

October 11, 2014

QA Sample - Where do our thoughts come from?

Eckhart discusses the transpersonal nature of thought, and how awareness arises both individually and collectively.


Bashar - The Four Universal Laws Of Creation

September 22, 2014

The Four Universal Laws Of Creation!

Watch | Subscribe

Bashar - Re-choose Yourself

April 4, 2014

Bashar Rechoose yourself

Watch | Subscribe

Bashar - Achieving Goals

March 28, 2014

Bashar - Achieving Goals

If you have received free Bashar information from sources other than Bashar Communications and you would like to balance your energy with respect to this idea as well as show your support for the creation of new Bashar information, go to - Latest Bashar Sessions - Donation

Watch on YouTube

Bashar - Why Bother Changing The World?

March 21, 2014

Bashar - How Appreciation Works.

For those who are unfamiliar with Bashar's teachings - Visit for more information about who Bashar is.

Topics covered in this communication:
History is simultaneous frames of reality.
What is memory?
Why bother changing the world?
Degrees of appreciation

Watch on YouTube

Bashar - Game of Chess

March 16, 2014

Bashar - Game of Chess

If you have received free Bashar information from sources other than Bashar Communications and you would like to balance your energy with respect to this idea as well as show your support for the creation of new Bashar information, go to - Latest Bashar Sessions - Donation

Watch on YouTube

True History Of The Creation Of Planet Earth And Humans

March 14, 2014

True History Of The Creation Of Planet Earth And Humans

Brad Johnson Channeling Adronis & Elohim From Sirius

Adronis comes through sharing his perspective on the tellings of Lyra, where also a special guest of the Elohim is brought forward to share his perspective on the human race and its beginnings.

Recorded on 6/6/2012

Watch on YouTube

The Pleiadian Collective - Time (+ Deja Vu explained)

February 27, 2014

The Pleiadian Collective - Time (+ Deja Vu explained)

The entire session is available for purchase here:
The lecture's title is "The illusion of time"

Watch on YouTube
The Pleiadian Collective, The Pleiadian perspective, time, deja vu, wendy kennedy

Bashar - When A Tree Falls, It Knows What It's Doing

January 29, 2014

Bashar - When a tree falls - it knows what it's doing

I of the Storm Transmission ;)


Bashar - Let go the "How"

January 22, 2014

Bashar - Let go the "How"

If You have all your basic needs met - Expand your definition of the basic needs.
For those who are unfamiliar with Bashar's teachings - Visit
For more information about who Bashar is.


Bashar - Symptoms of Raising Frequency

Bashar - Symptoms of Raising Frequency

The journey is the destination.
Where you are is where you need to be.
The process is the goal.
The experience itself is all there is.

Bashar - It Is Never A One Way Stream

January 15, 2014

Bashar - It is Never a One Way Stream

And a bit on Harry Potter ;)
This and That transmission


Bashar - The Story Of The Butterfly

January 5, 2014

Bashar - The Story Of The Butterfly
