Bashar - How To Meet With Extraterrestrials With Your Mind

April 28, 2013

Bashar - How to Meet with Extraterrestrials with your Mind - Before the Story Of the Hybrid Races

Bashar - How to Meet with Extraterrestrials with your Mind - Before the Story Of the Hybrid Races

Bashar, How, to, Meet, with, Extraterrestrials, your, Mind

Bashar - Milk & Cancer Cures

Bashar - Milk & Cancer Cures

Bashar - Milk & Cancer Cures

Bashar, Cancer Cures, Milk

Abraham Hicks - How You And We All Fit Together

Abraham: How you and we all fit together is a collection of 1,100 Abraham video clips organised by subject.

abraham hicks, law of attraction, the secret, oprah, wayne dyer, ellen

Bashar - 21.12.2012 The Shift

Bashar - 21.12.2012 The Shift

Bashar Rising from the Ashes 2012


Abraham Hicks - You Can Be Happy Under Any And All Conditions

April 24, 2013

Abraham Hicks~ You can be happy under any and all conditions

Extracted from: Long Beach 02/11/2012. I was there, It was a wonderful workshop.

Check out the music-free version:

All recorded and printed Abraham-Hicks materials are copyrighted by Jerry and Esther Hicks. For more information on Abraham, Esther & Jerry Hicks please go to their website:

Ryan Farish - Sea Of You / Beautiful (Mixed with waves sound)

Thank you all for watching my videos and your lovely comments!!!
Much love and appreciation to ALL!!! ♥¸.•¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨♥ ;-)

Abraham-Hicks, Abraham, Esther Hicks, Abe, Feel Good, Feeling Good, Emotional Grid, Grid, Manifest, Manifestation, Get Happy, Happiness, Law of Attraction

Abraham Hicks - Why it's hard to let go?

April 23, 2013

Abraham Hicks ~ Why it's hard to let go?

If you have a train going at a 100 miles an hour in one direction, can you suddenly make it go in another direction? You first have to slow it down, then make it turn. The same applies to your habit of thought - it has momentum - you have to slow it down in order to change it and you do this by going general.

For more information on the teachings of Abraham please visit For a discussion on the law of attraction please visit

abraham hicks, law of attraction, the secret, oprah, wayne dyer, ellen

Abraham Hicks - An Example Of Creating By Default

April 22, 2013

Abraham: An example of creating by default is a collection of 1,100 Abraham video clips organised by subject.

abraham hicks, law of attraction, the secret, oprah, wayne dyer, ellen

Bashar - About other people

Bashar - About other people

This is a clip from - imagination.
For more visit

bashar, people, darryl, anka, wisdom, creation, consiousness, et, relationships

Abraham Hicks - Power of Influence over Others

April 20, 2013

Abraham: 2013-03-21 Gold Coast, Power of Influence over Others is a collection of 1,100 Abraham video clips organised by subject.

abraham hicks, law of attraction, the secret, oprah, wayne dyer, ellen

Bashar - Your path must be happy

Bashar - Your path must be happy

Bashar - Lets Get Sirius (1987)


Abraham Hicks - Is Reality Real?

Abraham: Is reality real? is a collection of 1,100 Abraham video clips organised by subject.

abraham hicks, law of attraction, the secret, oprah, wayne dyer, ellen

Bashar - on Negative Forces

April 19, 2013

Bashar - on Negative Forces

Quick talk about the negative people that are in our society and how we can deal with their presence.

Bashar, Negative, Negativity, Bad, People, Energy, Forces, Military, Army, Illuminati, Secret, Society, Freemasons, Masons, Entities, Enlightenment, Religion...

Abraham Hicks - Where Is Your Grid Spinning?

April 18, 2013

Abraham Hicks- Where is your Grid spinning ?

Extracted from the Abraham Hicks workshop :Sydney - 2013.03.17. All recorded and printed Abraham-Hicks materials are copyrighted by Jerry and Esther Hicks. For more information on Abraham, Esther & Jerry Hicks please go to their website:

Abraham Hicks

Abraham Hicks - Now We Are Free

April 17, 2013

Abraham Hicks ~ Now We Are Free.

Great appreciation and LOVE to ALL!

Abraham, Hicks, Jerry, Esther, Gisele, Frederich, law, of, attraction, manifest, manifesting, create, reality, thoughts, emotions, raise, vibration

ELOHEIM ENCORES: Why Are We On This Spiritual Journey?

April 15, 2013

ELOHEIM ENCORES: Why are we on this spiritual journey?

Why are we on this spiritual journey? Can you talk about us and our relationship to our soul a little more? How do you know when the mind is coming in with an answer and not the soul?

Why do we choose to come down to this level of vibration and difficulty? Why would we choose this? Why do some lifetimes have a lot of physical pain or body distortions?

Our first installment of Eloheim Encores features Eloheim answering these questions and MORE during a fabulous session from January 11, 2009. These pre-recorded sessions are broadcast on our radio show

Veronica Torres channels The Council. The Council is comprised of seven different groups. Each Council member has a distinct personality, style of delivery, and focus.

The Council is best known for their multitude of practical tools, which support our journey out of the fear-based operating system into consciousness-based living.

View our entire book catalog: Learn more by visiting

Join our weekly channeling broadcasts Wednesdays at 7:30pm Pacific

Watch over 300 free videos on our YouTube channel
channeling, channeled message, light worker, healing, transformation, spirituality, Consciousness

Abraham Hicks - Wonderful World

April 13, 2013

Abraham Hicks ~ Wonderful World

Great appreciation and LOVE to ALL!

Abraham, Hicks, Jerry, Esther, Gisele, Frederich, law, of, attraction, manifest, manifesting, create, reality, thoughts, emotions, raise, vibration,

Give Yourself A Pat On The Back

April 12, 2013

Give Yourself a Pat On The Back


Bashar - All Truths Are True All Paths Are Valid

April 5, 2013

Bashar - All truths are true all paths are valid

Recording from The Soul Blueprint Day 2 Cd 3 Track 10

The pictures come from a sedona 2009 conference.. one of which is labeled "a ship to ship communication"

bashar new age

Bashar - Face Your Fears Now

Bashar - Face Your Fears Now

Facebook page:
The longer you keep your fear away, the longer it will stay. Deal with it now. Feel it. Understand it. Allow it to serve its purpose.

Bashar, Face, Your, Fears, Now, Present, Changes Everything, Fear, Negative, Negativity, Enlightenment, Enlightened

BASHAR Q&A - Feeling Lost In Life....

BASHAR Q&A - Feeling lost in life....

Please read this!!


If you have received free Bashar information from sources other than Bashar Communications and you would like to balance your energy with respect to this idea as well as show your support for the creation of new Bashar information, then please make a donation by clicking the donation button at . Your generous support is greatly appreciated.

Bashar, Darryl Anka

Bashar - Physicality And Spirituality

April 2, 2013

Bashar - Physicality and Spirituality

Physical reality is just as equally spiritual as the non-physical.
Bashar, New, 2013, Physical, Spiritual, Physicality, Spirituality, Realm, Real, Reality, Consciousness, Negative, Beliefs, Spiritualist, Monks, Zen, Present
Bashar - Physicality and Spirituality